What is Serbfest?

Serbfest is a celebration of Serbian culture, where our delicious food, folk music and warm embrace of Eastern Europe come together. Serbfest Phoenix began at Saint Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in 2003. Since then, we have invited those both near and far to indulge in the celebration of Serbfest. For some, it is is a small part of home come to life, and for others it is an opportunity to transport yourself to Serbia. We hope you are able to gather together to celebrate our culture with your loved ones. We can’t wait to have you!

St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church

Our Parish, St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Phoenix, Arizona, was incorporated in 1958 by a small number of Serbian Orthodox families that wanted to preserve their precious Orthodox faith, and pass it on to future generations.

Over the years, our St. Sava Phoenix Parish has expanded from a few pioneering families, to a few hundred parishioners. On a weekly basis, over a few thousand Serbs and Orthodox faithful of other nationalities visit our parish and come together to celebrate during the holidays of Easter & Christmas.

Serbfest is a reflection of the community that was built at this once small parish. To many, it is more than a festival, but rather an opportunity to showcase Serbian culture, heritage, and religion. We hope you come and enjoy the beauty of our culture with us!

Serbfest over the years